Legal protection in cases of compensation claims or for personal injury in road accidents
Once the victim has proved that he/she had nothing to do with the accident, compensation must be paid.There are three ways for the victim to obtain compensation for the damage caused: out-of-court, civil court and criminal court. Out-of-court compensation When damage is caused only to vehicles, an out-of-court settlement is reached, i.e. when the parties… Continue reading Legal protection in cases of compensation claims or for personal injury in road accidents
Legal protection in cases of liability or fault in road traffic accidents and personal injuries
When you have an accident, no matter how serious, it is always a problem for both the victim and the cause. When you get into an accident, the first thing you need to do is to find out who was at fault. This is often not so simple, although sometimes the dynamics reported point more… Continue reading Legal protection in cases of liability or fault in road traffic accidents and personal injuries
Legal protection in case of sports injuries and compensation claims.
Getting fit takes time and perseverance, and many people choose to do it by going to the gym, swimming pool or any sports facility. However, sometimes something unexpected happens during a session and you suffer minor or moderate injuries. What should you do in this case? Legal protection for athletes in the event of injury… Continue reading Legal protection in case of sports injuries and compensation claims.
Lawsuits for accidents occurring in the condominium
The purpose of the following guide is precisely to identify, in a clear and irrefutable manner, this last aspect, summarising and correctly organising the already rather confused reference legislation. In this way it is necessary, first of all, to bear in mind that there are two different types of protection in the domestic areas: one… Continue reading Lawsuits for accidents occurring in the condominium
Legal protections provided by law in case of domestic accidents
The legislation on domestic accidents is not the most prudent, so we often get lost in the meanders of both case law and doctrine, with the only consequence of causing even more confusion for citizens, who are often led to neglect any actions for compensation that would be due to them. The evolution of civil… Continue reading Legal protections provided by law in case of domestic accidents
Risks of herbicide poisoning
Herbicides are a combination of substances that eliminate or weaken unwanted agricultural organisms that inhibit the production process, in order to allow crops to grow undisturbed. Depending on the application of these products against wild weeds, insects or fungi, they are referred to as herbicides, insecticides or fungicides. The partly highly toxic active ingredients developed… Continue reading Risks of herbicide poisoning
Legal protections in labour law cases
Let’s find out today about the protections and various types of rights that affect the world of work, employees and employers. Legal support for employees and employers The employment lawyer has the task of offering a number of protections to employers and employees so that the situation in the environment where certain tasks have to… Continue reading Legal protections in labour law cases
Daily care for babies: the good products for their health
When dealing with a child or infant, i.e. all those who fall under the definition of paediatric, medicine and pharmaceutical technology itself have guidelines for products for the daily care of infants and children. Basic paediatrics has a very important significance in prevention, applying interventions at set times to the child. Among these is certainly… Continue reading Daily care for babies: the good products for their health
The best ways to keep fit and maintain a physical wellbeing
It can very often happen that you get overwhelmed by moments of intense stress, and it is essential to constantly maintain a good mental and physical wellbeing in order to feel completely at peace with yourself.Although this may seem complicated, following a few daily habits can become a real routine. Good habits to get psychophysical… Continue reading The best ways to keep fit and maintain a physical wellbeing